Consolidate the Strategic Shift: Dump Obama

The total strategic shift signaled by last week’s intervention by Steinmeier, Schmidt and O’Malley—a shift which Lyndon LaRouche characterized yesterday as “not yet secured, but is very promising”—is expanding this week on both the global economic and strategic fronts. This includes Greek moves towards Russia and other BRICS nations; the expansion of China’s AIIB, despite the hysterical opposition coming from the Obama administration; and further sharp warnings from Russia about their intended response to the military/strategic threats coming from the U.S. and NATO.

The broadest possible circulation—and discussion!—of Lyndon LaRouche’s March 15 document, “On the Subject of Germany’s Role,” is essential to securing that strategic shift. It is the centerpiece of all LaRouche movement organizing both in the U.S. and internationally, and its wide direct circulation began today in Washington, even among the intellectually- and morally- challenged Members of Congress. But don’t hold your breath waiting for them to act.

The immediate political action needed at this point, Lyndon LaRouche stressed today, is to get Barack Obama out of the U.S. Presidency. The central issue, the only issue, is getting rid of Obama, LaRouche stated. If you do that, then all of the other “issues” collapse, and you can begin to get the situation under control. Obama is a creation of the British Empire, and that is the problem. Combined with the Bush family, that is the center of all evil in this country. And when you talk about the Bush family, you have to go back to Prescott Bush, who helped usher Adolf Hitler into power.

LaRouche elaborated that these more recent expressions of evil need to be traced back to the terrible changes that happened in the U.S. after FDR’s death. That produced a policy change, which is the crucial factor and the key point of reference for all “current events.” It is that which defines the 20th Century, the century that the British Empire moved in on all fronts, killing American Presidents and overturning everything involving the best achievements of the 19th Century on all fronts– economic, scientific, cultural, etc.

History, LaRouche said, is a process, not a series of events which can be approached deductively. Mankind is a global phenomenon, and history is a global process. It is that, and not categories, which are reality, and reality has consequences. “I don’t care how many times idiots in Congress want to approach issues and categories: that is not how the world works,” LaRouche stated.

On the contrary, we in the LaRouche movement have to assert our policy firmly and clearly: We have to denounce everything Obama represents as crap. Obama’s view is that he can impose one state over another, that he can constitute the U.S. as the global arbiter to impose his views, as he is trying to do with China and elsewhere. But the U.S. is not the ruling empire of the world, LaRouche stated. Obama’s Kingdom is not the Empire, and he simply has to be thrown out of office. His efforts on behalf of the British Empire to trigger conflict points among nations—as with Israel, Iran, or Venezuela—are all part of a single, global drive towards World War III, not individual regional issues.

So get rid of Obama, LaRouche concluded. One good flush, and we will dispense with a multitude of sins—and it will help purify the atmosphere as well.

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