Countdown to War, or the BRICS Alternative

Crucial events are taking place across Europe now in the fight against the countdown to war with Russia, and as the bankrupt euro system heads towards a breakup.

The major European nations’ governments have clearly turned, in fear of all-out nuclear war, against the insane U.S./British/NATO plans to arm Ukraine, the Baltics, Poland to fight Russia.

But at the same time, the head of the European Commission, Jean-Claude Juncker of Luxembourg, has just issued a call for “a European army to defend Europe’s values against Russian aggression.” A leader of Vladimir Putin’s party in the Duma responded immediately and with total clarity,
“In the nuclear age, extra armies do not provide any additional security; but they can surely play a provocative role.”

Let the British profess that they will not take part — they have no forces of their own left to put in such an army! Juncker’s suicidal proposal nonetheless falls directly into the British-Obama trap defined several weeks ago by EIR Founding Editor Lyndon LaRouche:

The idea that NATO can go all the way to threaten and provoke war with Russia and China to stop the BRICS, and that this nuclear war will somehow be “limited” to the destruction of Eurasia, letting the U.S. and U.K. “win.” And the Russian response again is crystal clear: In the nuclear age, war has no winners or surviving nations.

So the provocations to war, including the attempt to frame up Putin with the murder of Boris Nemtsov, continue.

But at the same time we are finding stronger and stronger tendencies to break out of the bankrupt euro system all over Europe, as our European activists discussed Monday by conference call. These tendencies now exist in nearly every country; they are stronger in Italy, for example, than in Greece.

The critical factor, in only a minority of such groupings, is the turn to the BRICS-allied nations as the “win-win” alternative to both collapse and war. This is found precisely among those leaders who have signed or seriously discussed the Schiller Institute’s international petition for U.S. and Europe to take the BRICS path of war-avoidance.

The very powerful statements on the BRICS alternative from a Spanish industry-oriented group and from the Euro-China Forum, and the republication of both Lyndon LaRouche’s statements on the Nemtsov murder, are leading indications of what is really leading the way. The growth and development alternative to the euro’s bankruptcy, for nations such as Greece or Italy, only take life when they turn to the BRICS.

China in recent days has pronounced the Silk Road Economic Belts the focus of its entire foreign policy. Its foreign minister has also set the highest targets for economic cooperation with Russia and with India — which itself, is planning to triple the rate of growth of its nuclear power sector.

U.S. citizens are not spectators in this battle: It is the Obama White House and its Valkyries like Victoria Nuland and Samantha Power which is driving toward war with Russia, and ultimately China. Remove Obama, and the direct offer to the U.S. by China’s President Xi, for cooperative credit for worldwide scientific and infrastructure progress, can be accepted and carried out.

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