Czechs told not to throw tomatoes, eggs at US military convoy

‘The upcoming roll in and out of US Troops through the Czech Republic highlighted some interesting double standards when compared with a recent protest “operation Red Card” in Prague that just so happened to coincide with a commemorative event taking place on the 25th anniversary of the velvet revolution with no less than five European presidents in attendance.  Food fights with Presidents OK, with foreign armies, not OK…

…Throwing tomatoes at Americans is a bad idea! Convoy RULES

The first warning was broadcast on (Czech) (TV Nova):

Should anyone emerge with the intent to attack the convoy, with (items) such as tomatoes or eggs, it would qualify as disorderly conduct according to Czech legislation (up to 2 years without parole, in recidivist cases up to 3 years) or damage to property (sentence in the range of 6 months to 3 years). For example, in the event a bigger skirmish should break out with the American soldiers, the attacker(s) would face imprisonment from 6 months to 3 years. If (the incident) causes serious injuries, the attacker can receive a sentence of up to 10 years.’

Read more: Czechs told not to throw tomatoes, eggs at US military convoy

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