Did Congress declare war on Russia?

No, but they are escalating the saber-rattling…

Monday the House of Representatives passed a resolution calling on President Obama to supply “lethal”‘ aide to the Ukraine government. While it has no legal effect, these resolutions are often the first step toward Congress authorizing increased levels of militarily involvement, up to and including sending troops. Those who doubt this should remember that the years before the second Iraqi war, Congress want on record favoring increased military involvement in the region via a series of resolutions.

What is particularly disturbing about this resolution is that it did not go through Committee and did not even have a bill number until after it was debated on the floor! Even worse, the House leadership had planned to pass this bill by a voice vote. Fortunately, Representative Thomas Massie got wind of the scheme and went to the floor to demand a roll-call vote. Unfortunately, only 48 Representatives voted against this bill, but still every supporter of a non-interventionist foreign policy owes Representative Massie a tremendous debt of gratitude for defying the party leadership and making sure members got on record regarding their position on spending taxpayer dollars arming the Ukraine government.

Daniel McAdams, executive director of the Ron Paul Institute for Peace and Prosperity, has some more information on this bill here.

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