Did Germanwings pilot deliberately lock his co-pilot out of cockpit? Flight recorder reveals colleague tried to smash door down – as it emerges emergency access can only be disabled from inside

‘The pilot of the doomed Germanwings Airbus A320 may have deliberately locked his co-pilot and crew out of the cockpit minutes before it crashed into an Alpine mountainside killing 150 people, it was claimed today.

Audio files taken from the black box recorder suggested that one of the pilots was forced to try and smash down the door after being unable to enter the flight deck, according to the New York Times.
Experienced pilots today told MailOnline that under normal conditions crew have an emergency access code to enter the cockpit through the locked door.

They can only be stopped from using it if whoever is inside the cockpit manually – and intentionally – disables it.’

Read more: Did Germanwings pilot deliberately lock his co-pilot out of cockpit? Flight recorder reveals colleague tried to smash door down – as it emerges emergency access can only be disabled from inside

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