Dump Biotech, Short Central Banks

This transcript has been automatically generated and may not be 100% accurate. I … January is marked with for consumers and the financial markets … get lots of optimistic views of white there to kill investments are gonna go up … sometimes we like to divert from that point of view … and Jack Otter Editor Barron’s the common for the opposite point of view I’ve gotten Mark Palmer who is editor of the boom boom and doom report … I got the drawn to … the gloom doom and gloom reports … on mark to give us your outlook for the global economy in twenty fifty … well I think it would OPEC different parts of the world to America as we selected American Norse America Canada Mexico … and in Europe and binned the emerging market calm breaks was known to be Asia … and Africa and Central Asia the Middle East … then have to say that Europe is unlikely to grow … maybe grows by one percent to eighty contracts by one percent to be … statistical other nations … I don’t think that the U S economy speaking uprising slowing down … and in emerging economies we have no gross at the present I … in some countries they may be growing a one two percent than in others they Harry’s of contraction the new dos new production … the Chinese economy which is … the dominant emerging economy in the world … he said that the slowing down … being the only other hand has probably at the present time around five six percent growth … rate in general … you tobacco aches for staff cannot … even go back to the global reserve accumulation that they’re not … so I think that who face a disappointing two thousand and fifteen in terms of … economic growth … India sounds like you’re only bright spot there … whoa in terms of gross yes but don’t forget last year in dollar terms the stock market was up thirty five percent … and the chairman of the new capital from the Fed to from the was up close to fifty percent last year … twenty outperformed the in the seas … I don’t think that these will be repeated maybe will go up another fifteen percent or so … but in general I think a lot of my kids … are that not terribly explains the Renault … bargains any good news sounds like a soaring price twelve × topped the Barron’s full conference I think it was in October … I think the Chinese economy slowing down but the stock of the two will go up to the markets … and the economy can move in different directions … and said that there is a lot of central bank interventions that … expectations buying basis while … the central bank will do what makes … and so in basis ironing the stops in the expectation that the … Bank of China was thinking he’s … so into this sign environment where do you invest where were one of their money … well I mean I think they are there for the first time in a long time since two thousand and seven teams thousand and eight … actually some shorting opportunities … some coconut shorting some … sectors I thing is quite dangerous to short EU stops … this um it may come and take him over … the country line with the exit so … that I would say that BdB you know some CDC’s like the biotechnology index the Psalm and the very Heidi and … social media … ETA these are relatively high tea in my opinion … Bibi other people at the frontier was … or that the stops in that same icon Doctor … I stopped eating dates is on the high side … reading these are shorting opportunities I think … you say in the least probably stayed a short … although it’s a very oversold and send them is a negative second rebound like the euro … the police concerns about the U S dollar is enormous … so we may have a setback in the rebound the euro’s … I think it at my bake … he’s the I cord short … central banks I would short central banks into was out on and defeat in that is I think … investors … will suddenly realize … what the scam central banking fees … and then Daewoo was competence … and based only one way to short central banks idea and I went to to buy gold … ah so … are you long gold are you three as on long gold up in great Moallem gold things that … need nineteen nineties … and dare I polls recently became more … and I think if someone really wanted to make a lot of money in gold … he’s the higher your risk proposition Venetian by … the small mining stocks like the TT exchange their junior year I guess that the ice data that tends to do with … better than the old one it does well and were so a lesson that absolutely … last year when gold went up by fifteen percent … in the first few months … of two was thousand and fourteen … the GDX stayed with the forty percent so … it’s more much more what

Reprinted from MarcFaberNews.com.

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