Globalisation of Boko Haram: Nigerian minister warns the West faces a new terror threat

‘Boko Haram is likely to plot attacks on the West, including Britain, according to a Nigerian government minister who warned that the Islamist group terrorising his country may compete with its global jihadi counterparts to commit atrocities abroad.

Osita Chidoka, a close associate of President Goodluck Jonathan, accused the international community of failing to give Nigeria the support it needed to combat the extremists, who are increasingly emulating Isis and al-Shabaab in their terror tactics.

Instead, he said in an interview with The Independent, “unfair” concerns were being expressed by the West about the Nigerian government as it attempts to tackle Boko Haram’s vicious campaign of bombing, shooting and abduction. That campaign includes beheadings – captured for the first time recently on slickly produced video, which showed how the group was embracing “Isis methods”.’

Read more: Globalisation of Boko Haram: Nigerian minister warns the West faces a new terror threat

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