Government employs con artist strategies to trick public into vaccinating, study suggests

‘The U.S. government is having a tough time dredging up enough convincingly sound science to persuade the public into believing that vaccines are safe and effective medicine, so it’s now resorting to ignoble manipulation tactics to trick people into get jabbed.

A new study published in the journal Health Promotion International found that swindling the masses into trusting the government is an effective way to maintain high vaccination rates without having to actually present the public with legitimate scientific evidence in support of vaccines (which doesn’t exist).

Similar to what a con artist on the street might do to gain your confidence and sell you fake designer sunglasses, the government, in lockstep with the vaccine industry, is busy researching how it can better portray itself as your benevolent grandmother offering you chicken soup while you’re sick, rather than a malevolent, money-grubbing, fascist monster that’s trying to inject your children with live viruses, mercury, formaldehyde, petroleum derivatives and chemical preservatives.’

Read more: Government employs con artist strategies to trick public into vaccinating, study suggests

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