Hidden side of the child-abuse horror

‘Last week’s report on the wholesale abuse of children in Oxford yet again exposed the terrifying contradiction at the heart of our “child protection” system. Although the report focused only on the ordeals of six children, these were taken to be representative of nearly 370 others who, between 2004 and 2012, had been subjected to rape and abuse by Asian men. Two points emerged, as they did from the rather more forthright reports on what happened to those 1,400 similarly abused children in Rotherham.

One was that five of those six Oxford children, and presumably therefore hundreds more, were in state “care”. The other was that, despite countless attempts to alert social workers and the police to what was happening, no action was taken until 2011, when seven of the much larger number of men involved were finally arrested. Nothing is more chilling about all these reports than the evidence of how these children’s repeated appeals for help were not just ignored but treated with contempt.’

Read more: Hidden side of the child-abuse horror

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