Homework Gives Kids Answer to Question: Are GMO Vaccines Safe to Eat?

‘Isn’t it interesting how an agenda is so often posed as a debate even though there is usually only one side? Or, when a synthesis of the two is the actual goal?

That’s how things are presented to adults, usually on television. Or rather, “adult-children.” So that it looks like they have an informed choice. Unfortunately, children in many public schools don’t even have the semblance of a two-sided joust. They are expected to download beliefs. As you will see below, it doesn’t even matter if they get the answers correct, as long as they assimilate the connotation. The feeling. The message. The gist. And they will (if no one shows them otherwise) – I remember.

A lot of buzz is currently swarming on Robyn O’Brien’s Facebook page. She wrote The Unhealthy Truth… and is sometimes called the Erin Brockovich of food. Over the weekend, a father sent her his 6th grade child’s homework from Science class. It asks (and then answers) the question: Are genetically modified foods safe to eat?’

Read more: Homework Gives Kids Answer to Question: Are GMO Vaccines Safe to Eat?

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