How to Stop the Empire’s Short Fuse To Nuclear War and Financial Blowout

The dominant strategic reality for more than half of humanity, is the emerging New Paradigm of development that is taking shape around the BRICS and allied nations. As China’s National People’s Congress draws to a close, with its heavy “win-win” emphasis on sharing the New Silk Road dynamic with the entire planet, yesterday Russian President Putin signed into law Russia’s participation in the BRICS’s New Development Bank, the Hamiltonian credit institution which Putin said “will become one of the largest multilateral financial development institutions in the world.”

The NDB will have its first operational Board meeting in one month in Ufa, Russia, which will also be the site of the upcoming annual BRICS summit this July. The Shanghai Cooperation Organization (SCO) will also meet in Ufa in July, and its Secretary General for 2015 has just announced that the SCO is expected to adopt a Russian ten-year proposal to combine the national economic strategies of SCO members with the Silk Road Economic Belt project.

If you think that the British Empire might be panicked at these developments, as against the bankruptcy of their own system, you are right. The modern heirs of Zeus are desperate to stop the BRICS process with war–even thermonuclear war–, with color revolutions and mayhem, and with all-out financial warfare and disintegration. And they have lit the short fuse on all these fronts.

Lyndon LaRouche today commented that what the U.S. is doing to provoke the Russians in Ukraine and in the Baltics, is actually a threat to start a global war. In part it is coming from the will of Obama, and it is provoking a war which will end up being thermonuclear. Any idiot who doesn’t think so, should be caged, LaRouche added, to prevent him from starting such a war. Because thermonuclear war today means the likely extinction of the human species, and Congressmen who are insane enough to back such policies should be retained into custody, LaRouche suggested.

As for the financial warfare being waged against Greece, LaRouche reiterated that Greece does have an alternative to this genocide, and that is to go to neighboring nations including the BRICS, and create for themselves a role independent of the European Union. Furthermore, if Greece is forced out by the EU, LaRouche emphasized, the European nations themselves will topple like tenpins, out of their own stupidity. If Greece is forced out, then the entire European system will go bankrupt, all at once.

The fact is, they already are bankrupt, LaRouche explained, so all of their threats amount to a big bluff. But if they try to pull it off, they will trigger a collapse which will lead to the extermination of the economies of Europe, promptly. So the ECB and EU policy towards Greece, LaRouche continued, really is clinically insane, because it will bring the entire system down and lead to rising death rates across the region, including in France and Germany.

It’s important that we explain this to the world, LaRouche continued, because so many leading figures are living in a fantasy, including the aggressive fantasies of German Finance Minister Schaeuble. The policies he is promoting will bring it all down quickly.

The solution is to cancel the speculative character of banking today in the trans-Atlantic system, and establish a new standard, a new measure of real economic value. The basis to do this is there, with what the BRICS and their allies are constructing.

If this underlying economic issue is not resolved, LaRouche concluded, then it could cause World War III. We should not fear the bankruptcy of the system; it is already bankrupt. But we have to come back to a new standard of value, where hyper-inflationary speculative practices are banned.

It’s past time that the U.S. and Europe joined the majority of mankind on the side of sanity and development, as the Schiller Institute’s BRICS petition demands. If Hamilton’s Manhattan can do it, so can you.

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