Iraq, the Ultimate War Crime: Erasing the History of Mesopotamia. The Destruction of Nineveh

‘From the day of the US-UK invasion that “fructifying richness”, societal, cultural, historic has been systematically, deliberately erased in one of the most devastating, despotic, desecrating, pulverizing cultural armageddons in history.

March 19th commemorates the twelfth anniversary of the destruction of that “crucible”, it’s wonders still unceasingly pillaged and destroyed.

When the National Museum was looted (10th – 12th April 2003) American troops stood by – whilst their colleagues diligently guarded the Oil Ministry.

As some of antiquity’s most sublime, wonders – fifteen thousand items – were looted, Donald Rumsfeld, demonstrably a cultural cretin, remarked: “stuff happens.”’

Read more: Iraq, the Ultimate War Crime: Erasing the History of Mesopotamia. The Destruction of Nineveh

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