Israel spied on US-Iranian nuclear talks – then fed information to Obama’s political opponents, US officials claim

‘American officials have accused Israel of spying on diplomatic talks between the United States and Iran – and then feeding sensitive information back to Barack Obama’s political opponents in America.

Israel, which says the allegation are “utterly false”, is opposed to an emerging deal on Iran’s nuclear programme, as are most members of the Republican Party – the sworn political opponents of Mr Obama’s Democratic Party.

According to US newspaper the Wall Street Journal, US spies monitoring Israeli communications claim to have intercepted information which they allege could only have come from spying on American talks about Iran’s nuclear programme.

Spying is commonplace in international affairs, but the claim that Israel was feeding information to opposition legislators in the US Congress appears to have angered the Barack Obama’s administration.’

Read more: Israel spied on US-Iranian nuclear talks – then fed information to Obama's political opponents, US officials claim

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