Jewish Defense League thugs found guilty of assault at Palestine event in London

‘Two Jewish Defence League UK thugs were today found guilty of assault after they attacked a panel at a Palestine literary festival in September.

Roberta Moore was convicted of two counts of assault and one count of possession of an offensive weapon. Her accomplice Robert De Jonge was convicted of assault.

Both initially pleaded not guilty to all charges, but De Jonge on Thursday changed his plea to guilty for reason of recklessness.

De Jonge argued he had only meant to cause a “distraction” when he rushed the stage and assaulted Andy Simons, the chairperson of the panel and an organizer with Haringey Justice for Palestinians. But district judge Julia Newton ruled today that De Jonge had acted with full intent to cause injury.’

Read more: Jewish Defense League thugs found guilty of assault at Palestine event in London

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