Jihadi John: What the Mainstream Media Won’t Tell You

‘Over the past couple of weeks, British security services, along with the FBI, revealed that they had ‘unmasked’ the ISIS terror video persona known as ‘Jihadi John’, and had even known his identity for the last 6 months. While this news stunned the international community – it was quickly revealed that the man suspected of being the ISIS front-man was known by MI5 for the past 6 years.

The man purported to be the infamous ISIS executioner by Western media, is former computer programmer, 27-year-old Mohammad Emwazi. According to reports, Emwazi is believed to have left the UK to join ISIS militants in Syria sometime in 2013.

However, some reports have stated that Emwazi was headed to do aid work in Turkey in 2013. Emwazi’s parents reported him missing in August of 2013 and were told that he was in Syria by authorities some four months later.’

Read more: Jihadi John: What the Mainstream Media Won’t Tell You

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