Lavrov: U.S. Has Nuclear Weapons in Europe Capable of Reaching Russia

Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov spoke at a nuclear disarmament conference in Geneva yesterday, where he noted that the U.S. still maintains tactical nuclear weapons in Europe. Russia has reduced its stockpile of such weapons by a considerable amount by transferring many of them “to the category of non-deployed and placed them in central storages within the boundaries of the national territory,” despite the fact that “U.S. nuclear weapons’ capable of reaching Russia’s territory are still operationally deployed in Europe,” reports TASS.

Lavrov stated:

“Today, the strategic parity is affected by many factors. Those are the unilateral activities of the United States and their allies in organization of the global ABM, which have already affected destructively the strategic stability, realistically undermining progress towards the so-called Nuclear Zero — the objective, which, I believe, many participants are sharing.”

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