LPAC Organizers Blitz Washington With LaRouche’s Article “On the Subject of Germany’s Role”

A LaRouchePAC team was on Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C., yesterday, bringing LaRouche’s statement on the historic significance of the interventions last week by the three statesmen, Schmidt, Steinmeier and O’Malley, to the attention of the members of Congress.

Some 20-30 congressmen and half a dozen senators were briefed directly, given copies of LaRouche’s article “On the Subject of Germany’s Role” and the LPAC pamphlet “Why The United States Must Join the BRICS”, which resonated with the debate which has now been sparked by the world-shaking decision by Germany, France, Italy, and Great Britain to join the Chinese-initiated Asia Infrastructure Investment Back (AIIB). Whereas prior to this week, most of these members of Congress had barely been aware of the offer by Chinese President Xi Jinping that the United States join the AIIB (let alone even knowing what the initials AIIB stood for) and would have been oblivious to the significance of this emerging new economic order emanating from the initiatives of China, they were now eager to discuss the implications of America’s four leading European allies announcing their realignment towards this Chinese initiative, in defiance of Barack Obama’s now disgraced attempts to suppress Western participation in the AIIB — a clinical example of the endemic incompetence of these members of congress who perpetually live in the world of yesterday’s “news” only to be caught flat-footed by those who rather act on the future as true leaders to make history.

The effect of Martin O’Malley’s interventions to reinvigorate the fight for Glass-Steagall was similar. Prior to this past week, members of Congress had let themselves be pulled into irrelevant side issues. But with the news of O’Malley’s intervention, even long-time supporters of Glass-Steagall were refocused and inspired to hear that someone was challenging the banal talking points of popular debate dominating the mass media’s coverage of the presidential election cycle and rather inserting the truth about the reality of the financial breakdown crisis, demanding focused and immediate action to restore Glass-Steagall, even at the expense of denouncing his own party for crawling into the pockets of Wall Street by becoming the party of “Dodd-Frank Lite.” The news of this initiative was generally well received — that is, except by Obama’s Treasury Secretary Jack Lew, who when briefed on O’Malley’s calls for Glass-Steagall and the developments pertaining to the AIIB, was rendered literally speechless by rage, realizing the impotence of the Obama administration to control the forward march of history.

A particularly significant response came from Rep. Keith Ellison (D-Minn.) at a luncheon sponsored by the Progressive Democrats of America, where he was speaking to the audience on what a disaster Obama’s Trans-Pacific Partnership trade agreement will be for an already struggling US economy. LaRouchePAC’s Alicia Cerretani raised the obvious counterpoint to the “contain China” Asia pivot approach of the TPP, briefing the gathering on the BRICS revolution, the decision by the four leading European nations to join the AIIB, and Xi Jinping’s offer to the U.S. to join the BRICS, and urged Ellison and the entire Progressive Caucus to demand that the U.S. take up Xi Jinping’s offer and join the AIIB. Ellison concurred heartily, and said that he thought that it was something that the whole Progressive Caucus should take a stand on. He said that the Progressives have long advocated for an infrastructure investment bank in the U.S., but while it’s not been acted on by the United States, now the Chinese have taken the initiative.

Afterwards in discussion, Ellison reported that he’s been hearing a buzz about the AIIB over the last 24 hours and was very excited to receive the background material contained within the pamphlet “Why The U.S. Must Join BRICS”. Other members of the Progressive Democrats organization also engaged in extended conversation about the implications of the BRICS revolution, the growing list of endorsements for the Schiller Institute petition, the danger of war and the necessity of an immediate national mobilization for Glass-Steagall.

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