McConnell Is Now Telling States To Ignore Obama’s Carbon Emission Rules

Continuing his crusade against the Obama administration’s regulatory plan to fight climate change, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell on Wednesday told individual states to openly defy the Environmental Protection Agency’s proposed rules limiting greenhouse gas emissions from power plants.

In an op-ed for the Lexington Herald Leader, McConnell said states should not form plans to meet the emissions reductions goals set out for them under the EPA’s Clean Power Plan. Under that plan, states would be required to create their own long-term strategies to reduce emissions, whether it be through cutting coal consumption, increasing renewable energy, or implementing a cap-and-trade program. If states don’t make a plan, the federal government will make one for them.

“Here’s my advice: Don’t be complicit in the administration’s attack on the middle class,” McConnell wrote. “Think twice before submitting a state plan.”

Read more: McConnell Is Now Telling States To Ignore Obama’s Carbon Emission Rules

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