Meeting the Threat of War from a Higher Standpoint

At this time, we now are looking the BRICS group of nations and their friends, because these groups of nations actually do represent a positive development process at this time, whereas the United States has been degenerating… Russia is a key positive factor in the operations of the world at large. Out to South America, the whole BRICS combination is valuable. It’s precious. China, for example, is most precious. India is now precious. Other nations are the same thing. But we, those of us in the trans-Atlantic region, are living under governments which are not fit to be tolerated. And the time has come, that if we are going to save our own civilization, we’re going to have to do something about the past four terms of presidencies of the United States, which were not only worthless, not only contemptible, but immoral, immoral from the standpoint of the highest level of standards.Lyndon LaRoucheLPAC Policy Committee, March 2, 2015

In the increasingly tense countdown to war between Russia and NATO, the Russian leadership’s superior sense of reality is that it is aware that the trans-Atlantic nations have a bankrupt financial system ready to collapse.

The trans-Atlantic system is vulnerable. It cannot sustain its own bankruptcy without either transforming its financial system and economic policies entirely— which thus far its dominant Wall Street and London powers do not permit—or provoking war.

But the world is actually presently divided between this bankrupt system, and a credible system, a group of growing nations—the BRICS-allied nations led by China’s economic and scientific progress.

Thus this is both a “deadly situation beyond belief,” and one in which nations trapped in the bankrupt system can get out of it and revive their own lost progress.

Greece, as a leading example, is trapped under an immense load of debt it cannot pay, from institutions and banks which themselves cannot lend, and are defaulting on their own debts.

Greece’s credit is actually good—if it moves from its current “distressed creditors,” to credible creditors in the emerging BRICS “win-win” partnership. China is lending more to South American countries for development projects than the World Bank and Inter-American Development Bank combined. It is developing hundreds of infrastructure investments along the “Silk Road Economic Belts,” both within and outside China. And it is already a good creditor for Greek port and railroad development, etc., without “conditionalities.”

If the bankrupt euro system forces Greece out, the better future is already clear from that higher standpoint. It’s Europe that’s falling.

This is the standpoint taken by Lyndon LaRouche, and by Helga Zepp-LaRouche, known in China as the “Silk Road Lady” for her 30 years of international work on this policy.

SEE “The New Silk Road Becomes the World Landbridge”

Lyndon LaRouche stresses that it is crucial to remember that Russia, though under extreme pressure and militarily provoked, is part of this partnership of BRICS nations; is being supported by China, by India, by nations which have become allied with the BRICS such as Egypt, Argentina and other South American nations.

Just one week ago, LaRouche identified an emerging threat from the British, U.S., and NATO to risk a war, even a so-called “tactical nuclear war,” whose devastation, they believe, would be “limited” to the Eurasian continent. No such thing can exist, he said, except as an ultimately suicidal “plan.”

One week later, there have poured out the most extraordinary series of Russian warnings that any war move against Russia—whether involving the threat of tactical nuclear weapons, of conventional precision “counterforce” weapons, or otherwise, will be met with a total response. These warnings have been made, with 24 hours, by the Russian Strategic Missile Force commander in a high-profile televised interview; by Foreign Minister Lavrov; by Defense Minister Shoygu; by Russia’s ambassador to NATO Grushko; and by Russian Navy Chief Admiral Chirkov.

This, while both Britain and the U.S. have announced intended deployments of combat troops into Ukraine as if into a NATO country—a Russian red line. It is in fact “a deadly situation beyond belief,” in LaRouche’s words.

But the offer to join the BRICS international development banks has been made to the United States itself—which desperately needs real economic development—by the President of China.

The way out is there, to a higher standpoint, developing mankind’s full potentials on Earth and through the Solar System. Acknowledge that there is no possibility the trans-Atlantic financial system can be saved. Cancel the unpayable debts. Create new national credit sources for new employment and productivity so that people can progress.

As LaRouche noted with some irony:

“I have information from Nicholas of Cusa [the 15th-Century founder of modern scientific method] which will be conclusive in this situation.”

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