MI6 complicity? Lee Rigby killer’s torture claims investigated, says Cameron

‘A new inquiry will be conducted into claims that MI6 were complicit in the alleged torture of Michael Adebolajo, one of the two men later convicted of murdering British soldier Lee Rigby in Woolwich in May 2013.

The investigation will focus on how the British spy agency handled claims Adebolajo was beaten by Kenya’s security forces, who have close ties with the UK, while detained there in 2010.

Prime Minister David Cameron ordered the inquiry after a report by Parliament’s Intelligence and Security Committee (ISC) criticized MI6, also known as the Secret Intelligence Service.

The committee’s report found MI6 never asked the Kenyan authorities about Adebolajo’s claims, dismissing them as fabricated.’

Read more: MI6 complicity? Lee Rigby killer’s torture claims investigated, says Cameron

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