More Alleged Moderates Join ISIS/Al-Qaeda – Bring TOW Missiles With Them

‘Yet another extremist brigade in Syria presented by the United States and mainstream media outlets as “moderate” has now officially defected to the side of ISIS and al-Qaeda.

Harakat Hazm, propagandized to the American public as the face of the “moderate rebellion” in Syria has been the recipient of a large quantity of American weapons in the past including TOW anti-tank rockets and other arms.

According to mainstream outlets like the Daily Beast, Harakat Hazm was one of the few terrorist organizations actually trusted by the White House, hence the heavy amount of weaponry provided to them by the Pentagon. As funding for the death squad forces began to dry up, the story goes, the beleaguered fighters were forced to join ISIS in order to stay alive in their fight against the secular government of Bashar al-Assad and their alleged fight against al-Nusra (ISIS/al-Qaeda).’

Read more: More Alleged Moderates Join ISIS/Al-Qaeda – Bring TOW Missiles With Them

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