Nearly 2,000 Wisconsin Students Swarm State Capitol Building to Protest Police Killing of Black Teenager

‘Hundreds of Wisconsin high school and university students left their classrooms and occupied the state capitol building on Monday to protest about the fatal police shooting of unarmed black teenager Tony Robinson, who was killed by a white Madison police officer last week.

The protesters held signs bearing the hallmarks of the national movement against police brutality that has erupted following the fatal shooting of unarmed black teenager Michael Brown in Ferguson in August 2014, and chanted “Hands up, don’t shoot!”

Robinson was killed on Friday at around 6.30pm CT after police responded to a call reporting that the 19-year-old was jumping in and out of traffic and was alleged to have been involved in an assault.’

Read more: Nearly 2,000 Wisconsin Students Swarm State Capitol Building to Protest Police Killing of Black Teenager

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