Nuland and Saakashvili Beat the Drums of Nuclear War on Capitol Hill

Both the House and the Senate today held hearings yesterday beating the drums of war, setting the stage for nuclear war in the near term. Victoria Nuland herself, the personal controller of the neo-nazis in Ukraine, including Prime Minister “Yats,” was the only witness before the House Foreign Affairs Committee (under Ed Royce and Eliot Engel, who are pushing legislation to arm Ukraine), where she lied wildly about the crisis and threatened Russia with new sanctions. Members of Congress, with few exceptions, ranted for arming Ukraine, moving more troops to the borders of Russia, and preparing our military for full-scale war.

Nuland stuck to the Administration line that it has not yet decided to provide arms to the Ukraine regime.

Mikheil Saakashvili and Garry Kasparov appearing with Damon Wilson, Stephen Blank, and Steven Pifer in front of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

Meanwhile, in the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, former Georgian President Mikheil Saakashvili (now advising Ukraine President Poroshenko) and Russia’s wild-eyed opponent of Putin, Garry Kasparov, ranted that talking to Putin was a horrible mistake, that full US military force must be brought to bear immediately in Ukraine, or Europe will fall to Russian aggression and the post-war order be destroyed. The hearing room had huge photographs of Boris Nemtsov, the bridge with his body, MH17 wreckage, and more, lined up all along the front of the hearing room. Joining their war cries were leading Russia-haters from the Atlantic Council (Damon Wilson), the American Foreign Policy Council (Stephen Blank), and former Ambassador to Ukraine Steven Pifer, now at Brookings.

Former President of Georgia, Mikheil Saakashvili, being interviewed outside a hearing of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee.

Nuland and several members of Congress expressed “outrage” at the murder of Boris Nemtsov, only slightly stopping short of blaming Putin directly. Kasparov didn’t stop short, saying that “Putin and his elites believe that after 15 years of power there is nothing they cannot do, no line they cannot cross,” while accusing Putin of using Nazi ideology! He called for color revolution or worse: “Like a cancer, Putin and his elites must be cut out. He must be isolated and removed.”

Nuland praised the Maidan coup, the “peaceful protest by ordinary Ukrainians fed up with the rotten regime.” She insisted that new sanctions are ready to go, if, in Obama’s view, Russia doesn’t hold to Minsk II. Obama has “not decided” on arming Kiev, she said.

Only two Congressmen had the courage to counter her lies. Rep. Greg Meeks said that real leadership would not be US unilateral military action, but working together with others, pointing to European nations opposing the arming of Ukraine.

More powerfully, Rep. Dana Rohrabacher ripped into the whole imperial process, starting with the EU refusing to help Ukraine under Yanukovych, then helping the Maidan revolt which was precipitate by Yanukovych’s decision to postpone the association agreement with Europe.

“Perhaps an electoral process rather than the use of violence and non-democratic means would have been better,” he said, insisting that our goal should be peace in Ukraine, “not to defeat and humiliate Russia, again and again.” If that is the policy, he said, the killing and suffering in Ukraine will go on and on.

When Nuland “took issue” with Rohrabacher, trying to say Yanukovych should have accepted IMF help, Rohrabacher cut her off, saying the ceasefire appeared to be desired by both sides, so “we should not be trying to wreck it.”

Lyndon LaRouche’s March 3 statement denouncing the frame-up of Putin for Nemtsov’s murder was circulated widely at both of these hearings on Capitol Hill today, as EIR and LaRouchePAC representatives attended hearings intended to galvanize the population for war.

At the House Foreign Affairs Committee hearing, a gaggle of media were gathered to interview both the Congressmen and the members of the Ukrainian Congress Committee of America, which were in Washington to lobby for arming Ukraine.

Following the hearing, EIR‘s Stuart Rosenblatt approached Nuland personally, and, in the hearing of many press and others, asked: “Were you behind the assassination of Nemtsov? We know Putin didn’t do it—so was it you?” She responded, “How could you say that?” and was spirited away by staff.

In the aftermath, Julian Pecquet from al-Monitor tweeted sarcastically: “ doing a bang up job convincing lawmakers at #ukraine hearing at State’s Toria Nuland ordered hit on Nemtsov.”

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