Obama Almost Promises No Weapons to Ukraine “at this Time”

The German Ambassador to Washington, Peter Wittig, told Associated Press on March 9th that Obama had promised German Chancellor Angela Merkel, during a February meeting at the White House, that he would give the Minsk ceasefire she negotiated time to take hold, rather than destroying it immediately by sending “lethal weapons” to the fascists in Kiev.

But at the same time Obama was pledging his word to Merkel, he was preparing to break it by ordering brain-dead Senators to denounce his own agreement and call for immediate arms shipments, as well as much harsher sanctions, as they did today at a hearing of the Foreign Relations Committee.

Senators Bob Corker (R-TN) and Robert Menendez (D-NJ), the chairman and ranking member of the Foreign Affairs Committee, prepared for their hearing yesterday, with a March 9 letter to Obama, which demanded that he immediately provide a report to Congress on why he has failed to provide lethal weapons. The duo wrote that that report was due by Feb. 15 under their “Ukraine Freedom Support Act,” which they say was passed unanimously by both houses and signed into law by Obama on Dec. 18.

Yesterday’s hearing was titled “U.S. Policy in Ukraine: Countering Russia and Driving Reform.” The first panel comprised administration witnesses representing State (Victoria Nuland), Treasury, Defense, and the military. All that happened there, was that each and every Senator who spoke from either party, simply badgered all the witnesses by chanting, as it were in unison, “I support lethal arms and harsher sanctions; why haven’t you done it yet?”

The witnesses were all noncommittal: it’s under discussion.

Among the notable moments were those provided by a drunken-sounding and -looking Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI), who had been enlightened at a hearing he held last week for two anti-Putin mental cases: NATO pawn Garry Kasparov and fugitive ex-Georgian president Mikheil Saakashvili,— whose name Johnson could not pronounce at all recognizably. Johnson was clearly nearly hopeless about the fate of Russia after the assassination of Boris Nemtsov, but could not pronounce his name recognizably either; you had to infer who it was he was bewailing. Sen. Ben Cardin (D-MD) was similarly close to tears with anxiety about various places he could never locate on a map, and people he clearly knew nothing about.

Among the senators who were just bright enough to know that they were playing “living theater,” was Democrat Tim Kaine of Virginia, who said he supported increased sanctions, and then asked what will happen if they only make Putin more “aggressive.”

Democrat Chris Murphy of Connecticut’s question was:

“I want to just talk a little bit about how circumstances on the ground would play out in the event that we decided to give substantial defensive weapons to the Ukrainians. The supposition is that Putin’s not paying a big enough price simply with economic sanctions, and that the price that he would pay, perhaps in greater number of lives lost, that he wouldn’t be able to cloak in secrecy due to increased U.S. assistance, would change his calculus.

“I think that’s a chance worth taking. It’s why I’ve joined with my colleagues in supporting providing defensive weapons. But I understand that it’s a chance, and that there is also significant chance that that is not how things will go, that he will just continue his march straight through the lines that we have fortified….

“But what would we do in the event that we provided a certain level of defensive weaponry, Putin amassed additional forces, moved straight through the lines that we have then supplied? Would we be in the position of then having to send additional supplies, additional weapons?

“How does this play out in the case that it doesn’t go the way that we hope it goes; whereby Putin pays a bigger price than he’s paying today, stops his aggression or comes to the table?

“What happens if that does not work?”

Clearly, Murphy understands on some level that he and the rest are only playing a charade. But what is his guarantee that he, personally, will survive its results? 

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