Pat Flanagan: ‘Enda Kenny & his TDs really do live in a parallel universe’

‘Scientists this week hoped to prove the existence of a parallel universe at the massive Cern accelerator in Switzerland.

Unfortunately, a short circuit in one of the huge magnets means the experiment, which could change our understanding of reality, was postponed.

But if the boffins really want proof that such zones exist alongside the known universe they need look no further than the Coalition which runs our country. How else could you explain a Government that thinks it’s the best in our history when it really is the second-worst.

How would it be possible for Fine Gael and Labour to impose massive taxes on ordinary folk while at the same time believing they were helping them, if they are not detached from the realm of earthly reality?’

Read more: Pat Flanagan: 'Enda Kenny & his TDs really do live in a parallel universe'

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