Poroshenko Advisor: We Need Nazi Volunteers, Not Drugged-up Draftees

Yuri Biryukov, an advisor to Ukrainian President Petro Poroshenko and a loud voice calling on the U.S. to arm Ukraine, condemned the state of the Ukrainian military’s recruitment system in a Facebook rant on Tuesday, saying:

“The current system of mobilization is based on the system and principles of the Soviet army, and does not work worth a damn in our country. Alcoholics and dodgers, drug addicts and morons: formally they are all subject to mobilization. [The principle is] we take all we can get; the quality is not important,”

Biryukov said, as reported in Sputnik.

Speaking in favor of “recruitment on a volunteer basis,” Biryukov noted that he would soon present a plan to the Ministry of Defense and the General Staff for the formation of several experimental volunteer recruitment centers with branches across the country.

Biryukov said that the so-called volunteer battalions presently engaged in eastern Ukraine have demonstrated a “quantitatively different level of motivation, discipline and support among soldiers for one another.” Sputnik correctly notes that these “highly disciplined” soldiers are the neo-Nazis, such as Azov, Aidar, Donbas, and the Dnepr battalions, organized and financed by Dnepropetrovsk-based oligarch Igor Kolomoysky, and proudly wearing swastikas.

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