Rebranding: US May Look to al-Qaeda Faction as New ‘Moderate’ Allies in Syria

Qatar Aims to Get Nusra to Publicly Distance Itself From Parent al-Qaeda

‘The dissolution of the Hazm Movement, one of the last US-armed “moderate” rebel factions in northern Syria, has created a paucity of factions for the US to throw weapons at, at a time when the Pentagon is talking up the creation of a huge moderate force.

Enter al-Qaeda? It’s hard to imagine, but Director of National Intelligence (DNI) James Clapper is insisting now that moderates are “anyone who is not affiliated with ISIS,” and that the only obstacle to arming such groups are the international rules of law.

There are ways around that too though. Al-Qaeda’s Syria faction, Jabhat al-Nusra, is being courted by Qatar to publicly distance itself from al-Qaeda’s parent leadership as a way to get around international bans on funding al-Qaeda.’

Read more: Rebranding: US May Look to al-Qaeda Faction as New ‘Moderate’ Allies in Syria

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