Reminder: Repealing the Surveillance State briefing tomorrow

Remember if you are in DC tomorrow that there will be a briefing on “Repealing the Surveillance State.” The briefing will take place from 1-2 p.m. and will take place in room 304 of the Cannon House Office Building.

The briefing will focus on the Surveillance State Repeal Act (HR 1466), legislation introduced by Democrat Representatives Mark Pocan (WI-02) and Republican Representative Thomas Massie (KY-04). This legislation repeals the PATRIOT Act and the FISA Amendments Act. The bill also overhauls the NSA domestic surveillance program to end bulk surveillance.

Representatives Pocan and Massie will give opening remarks, and a panel disunion will follow. I will be speaking on the panel, along with:

Patrick Eddington– Former Senior Policy Advisor to Rep. Rush Holt and Policy Analyst in Homeland Security and Civil Liberties at CATO

Zack Malitz –Campaign Manager at CREDO Mobile

Shahid Buttar- Executive Director of the Bill of Rights Defense Committee

Nathan Leamer– Outreach Manger of the R Street Institute.

Hope to see you there!



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