Report: Cops Tased Man Repeatedly ‘Until His Heart Blew Out’

‘Gatewood was described as “acting kind of weird,” by his girlfriend, Ruth Temple, who called 911 and asked police to help diffuse the situation. A family friend also told reporters that Gatewood was breaking things in his apartment, noting “He broke all the glass and started fighting the cabinet, literally boxing it.”

When the cops arrived on the scene, they found Gatewood lying on broken glass inside the apartment. They dragged him out into the street, and attempted to cuff him to no avail. Then they broke out pepper spray and tasers.

“They kept saying you’re resisting and fighting. So they kept pulling the trigger on the taser over and over again,” said witness Leeann Mize.’

Read more: Report: Cops Tased Man Repeatedly 'Until His Heart Blew Out'

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