Return to Canada’s killing fields: Government gives green light for almost HALF A MILLION seals to be killed for their fur in annual cull – and vast majority will be pups who die by a club or ice pick to the head

‘The Canadian government has come under fire for allowing the slaughter of nearly 470,000 seals as part of the biggest marine animal hunt on the planet.

Canada’s annual ‘commercial seal hunt’, which mainly takes place during March and April, sees thousands of young seals clubbed to death for their furs.

The annual quota for the seal hunt has gone up in recent years, despite the market for seal pelts collapsing following an near world-wide ban on the furs.’

Read more: Return to Canada's killing fields: Government gives green light for almost HALF A MILLION seals to be killed for their fur in annual cull – and vast majority will be pups who die by a club or ice pick to the head

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