Rothschild Zionists Boehner and Graham deny complicency in Israeli spying … as they dash to Israel for Spring Break

‘The Wall Street Journal has released an article stating that Israel, which has long been known to engage in aggressive espionage against the United States, has been feeding stolen information on the U.S.

Nuclear talks with Iran to Congressional stooges in order to thwart any deal with Iran that could get in the way of an attack on that country. Lindsey Graham, who piles up frequent flier miles from his junkets to Israel, made the implausible statement that “No one from Israel’s ever briefed me about the agreement. If they’re spying, they’re not telling me about it.”

House Speaker Boehner, fresh from hosting PM Netanyahu over the objections of the Obama Administration, feined “shock” at the reports of information stolen by Israeli spies being fed to Congress. (See the article from The Times of Israel below.) He will be leading Congressional Republicans on an Easter recess homage to Israel next week.’

Read more: Rothschild Zionists Boehner and Graham deny complicency in Israeli spying … as they dash to Israel for Spring Break

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