Russia Delivers Blunt Response to Proposed EU Army

Russia responded quickly and firmly today to EU Commission President Jean-Claude Juncker’s proposal to create a Common European Army, made March 8.

Juncker, in comments to Germany’s Welt am Sonntag, claimed that, “A common army of Europeans would give Russia the clear impression that we are serious with the defense of European values,” further stating that this would seal Europe’s destiny:

“Before I thought that one no longer had to justify Europe but I have understood that there is a necessity for this. Europe has lost enormously in reputation, in foreign policy one doesn’t take us too seriously.”

Russians were not at all confused about what kind of a “destiny” Juncker was speaking of. In comments reported by TASS, first deputy chairman of the United Russia faction in the State Duma Frants Klintsevich stated that:

“In a nuclear age, extra armies do not provide any additional security. But they surely can play a provocative role…One should presume that a European army is seen as an addendum to NATO…never, even in the darkest days of the Cold War, had anyone dared to make such a proposal.”

Juncker’s proposal was quickly dismissed by Britain, with Cameron claiming that the Conservatives would “never support” the idea, because, “defense is a national, not an EU responsibility.” U.K. Independence Party (UKIP) spokesman Mike Hookem stated that:

“A European army would be a tragedy for the U.K. We have all seen the utter mess the EU has made of the economy, how can we even think of trusting them with its defense?”

In Germany, Die Linke spokeswoman Christine Buchholz told the Berlin daily Tagesspiegel that:

“Juncker’s proposal is definitely aimed against Russia … the EU needs a peaceful foreign policy and disarmament.”

However, the anti-Russian proposal of Juncker got quick support from Germany’s Defense Minister Ursula von der Leyen. Quoted by the London Financial Times, Von der Leyen — who has devoted much of her career to this idea — went even further, saying:

“I think that the Bundeswehr [German Armed Forces] would also be prepared, in certain circumstances,  to put units under the control of another nation. This interweaving of armies with a view to also have a European army one day, in my opinion, is the future.”

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