Sierra Leone to lockdown 2.5 million people to stem Ebola crisis

‘Sierra Leone has announced plans to confine nearly 2.5 million of people to their homes across the capital of Freetown as well as in north of the country for three days in a bid to curtail the deadly Ebola epidemic.

“The lockdown will be conducted from March 27 to March 29 and will be like the one we conducted in September last year,” said Palo Conteh, the head of the country’s National Ebola Response Center on Thursday.

The measure, which takes place following a similar nationwide lockdown in September, was announced after the World Health Organization (WHO) reported on Wednesday that the overall number of fatalities caused by the Ebola outbreak in Sierra Leone had climbed to nearly 10,200 since December 2013.’

Read more: Sierra Leone to lockdown 2.5 million people to stem Ebola crisis

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