Spanish Voice: ‘New Silk Road: A Project To Change the World’

The Ekai Center, a Basque think tank working with Spanish and other European industry, gave voice to the dawning realization by some in Europe that the bold “New Silk Road Economic Belt” project has the power to free Europe and the United States from their current enslavement to finance.

Ekai issued a Working Paper on March 29 under the above headline, celebrating that the New Silk Road project, with the BRICS backing and the international support for the Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, “is now de facto a global project. A project which seeks to reconfigure Eurasia into the central economic pivot of world development.”

Europe’s advanced industrial sector sees “the extraordinary opportunities for social and economic development, in the framework of a future in which Europe will be present as the great technological ally of the emerging countries.”

The Ekai Center goes further, and asserts that “the advanced European countries are conscious that the establishment of the Eurasian axis also implies a historic opportunity to definitively overcome the financial oligarchy’s crushing political hegemony over the United States and Europe….

“Rather than the strategies of destabilization, war and coercion developed by Washington to try to maintain its hegemony at all cost, the emerging countries are putting on the table strategies of hope, development and the future,” they conclude.

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