Statement from Sanaa

Statement from Sanaa
Saudi Arabia’s Targetting of the People of Yemen Threatens the BRICS Plan for World Peace.

What happened on the early morning of March 26, 2015, just two days before the planned Arab Summit in Sharm El-Sheikh (Egypt), was a systematic terrorist act and an act of aggression against the people of Yemen under the wings of darkness, that killed and maimed unarmed people, women, children and elderly. This attack is backed by an international alliance that is hysterical due to the collapse of its imperialist world order which is based on sucking the blood and the looting of the resources of other nations and violation of their rights.

This act of terror clearly unmasks a plan for systematic, international violations of the human rights of the people on the soil of Yemen, and for interfering by foreign forces in the affairs of a sovereign and free nation. It was preceded by suspicious and illegal moves in the international corridors of power, to protect ISIS and Al-Qaeda and their partners. This “Firmness Storm” operation is the latest of the conspiratorial acts of this alliance against the peace-seeking nations of the World.

It clearly reveals the fallacy of the so-called Riyadh-dialog, where there are no bases for dialog, which finally removed its mask through this pre-meditated aggression, to add it to the other wounds inflicted upon the people of Yemen by their previous plots. These allies are covering up the fact that they are the creators of terrorism, and their acts today are added to the long list of Saudi crimes, not only as a financier of terrorism, but actually as the patent holder of terrorism.

This demands the dissolving of this system once and for all to spare the world its evil. A strong denunciation must be directed against those who support this aggression, which is aimed at keeping this system breathing. This act demolishes all Saudi claims that the Kingdom and its allies are the peace-builders in the world. This is not only a threat to the security of the region, but also to the BRICS system, because it will put the breaks on the New Silk Road Project at the gates of Yemen.

Mercy for the souls of the martyrs and recovery for the wounded!

Greetings to the brave fighters and resistance forces in Yemen and all around the world!

Warm welcome greetings to the Children who are yet to be born!

I leave you and myself in the hands of Allah.
March 26, 215
Fouad Al-Ghaffari

Fouad Al-Ghaffari is a former diplomat, former office director of the Minister of Human Rights 2012-2014, founder of Gedar (a human rights and civil society organization). He is also a signer of the Schiller Institute Petition for the U.S. and Europe to join the BRICS.

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