Texas Town Fires Entire Police Department, Crime Drops By 61%

‘A Texas town has proven that there is a solution to out of control cops after it replaced the entire police department with private security officers and saw a remarkable drop in crime by 61%.

Sharpstown, located southwest of Houston, decided in 2012 that regular public policing was proving wholly ineffective, and opted not to renew a contract with the constable’s office.

Instead the town’s civic leaders hired private security agents with the company SEAL Security Solutions, and devised a more effective policing strategy.

“Since we’ve been in there, an independent crime study that they’ve had done [indicates] we’ve reduced the crime by 61%” in just 20 months, James Alexander, Director of Operations for SEAL told reporters with guns.com.’

Read more: Texas Town Fires Entire Police Department, Crime Drops By 61%

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