The Fukushima Paradigm

‘Of the many and serious threats to humanity at this time there is one over-riding issue: Fukushima
Name one subject more critical to humanities future – you can’t!

Not that there aren’t a couple dozen contenders for that throne, it’s just that even the worst of them simply cannot match the future legacy of Fukushima. It makes me wonder if people would behave differently towards Fukushima if they could see the radiation, as well as its effects. I wonder. This is the worst surrealistic nightmare ever, with humanity playing Nero as earth burns in Fukushima sunshine.

If it only took four years for the Pacific ocean to begin dying from Fukushima radiation; how long before the ocean conveyor currents carry the deadly radiation to every ocean on the entire planet?? Figure that the damage will double in four more years, minimum; which means the pacific will become even more irradiated as the currents spread the invisible death around the globe. How long before the Tuna are all gone and there are no more fisheries anywhere? How long before no life remains in earths oceans at all?’

Read more: The Fukushima Paradigm

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