The US House of Representatives Openly Calls for Regime Change in Moscow

‘Aside from the usually Congressional lust for war so as to secure their billions in military industrial complex campaign donations (slush funds), the key part of the House’s bill, calling for lethal aid to Ukraine, has noting to do with Ukraine at all.

The resolution gets to the root of what America’s elite really want…the dismantling, and subsequent resource plundering of the Russian Federation.

As taken from the US House Resolution:

Whereas the United States and its allies need a long-term strategy to expose and challenge Vladimir Putin’s corruption and repression at home and his aggression abroad;
Let that sink in for a second. The United States Congress has put, in writing, their goal to formulate a “long term strategy” to challenge the democratically elected President of Russia, Vladimir Putin.’

Read more: The US House of Representatives Openly Calls for Regime Change in Moscow

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