To Avert World War, It’s Time to Dump Obama

The latest atrocity to come out of the mouth of President Barack Obama this week—his blaming of Russian President Vladimir Putin for the “worsening civil rights climate in Russia”—should make the obvious point: The time has long since passed when the President must be removed from office if a world war is to be averted.

The idea that Obama would implicitly blame President Putin for the assassination of Boris Nemtsov—just days after his State Department witch Victoria Nuland hosted neo-Nazi Andriy Parubiy all over Washington—was just the latest straw. Clearly Obama is moving towards providing lethal aid to the Ukraine government, a step that will bring the world close to strategic confrontation, a confrontation that will likely lead to thermonuclear war.

Russian officials pounced, appropriately, on Obama’s latest insanity. Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov personally commented on Obama’s accusations, observing that he was showing how “inarticulate” he can be on his own.

Interfax: How do you respond to the statement by US President Barack Obama that the killing of Boris Nemtsov is a sign of the worsening climate for civil rights in Russia?
Sergey Lavrov: Let this remain on the conscience of Mr Obama. No one was writing for him this time, and he’s inarticulate on his own.

And Foreign Ministry spokesman Lukashevich slammed the President for pushing for extension of the sanctions against Russia, despite the fact that Putin has played a pivotal role in securing a cease-fire in eastern Ukraine. He reminded the world that the Obama Administration was behind the coup d’etat in Kiev that installed the current illegal regime.

Even US intelligence sources confirmed, on Tuesday, that there is zero evidence of Putin involvement in the Nemtsov killing. Furthermore, they view Putin as the target of the attack, reporting that Putin and Nemtsov, although political adversaries, had certain working understandings, and Putin had nothing to gain, and everything to lose, from Nemtsov’s killing.

Between the insane provocations coming from Obama and his so-called arch-rival Benjamin Netanyahu, there is no stability—and no prospect of stability—in Eurasia. Netanyahu’s appearance before a joint session of Congress on Tuesday set off a Republican Party drive for confrontation with Iran, further adding to the growing chaos throughout Southeast Asia.

Lyndon LaRouche today warned that, unless a deal is reached between Iran and the P5+1 countries, the entire Eurasia region is headed for war, whether or not the Ukraine conflict is settled by a cease-fire negotiated by the Normandy Four and the Contact Group. It is urgent that the Persian Gulf and Southwest Asia region are brought back to some degree of stability. The British strategy, peddled by British agents like Netanyahu and Obama, is to drench the region in blood, through a new Hundred Years’ religious war inside the Islamic world, pitting Shi’ites against Sunnis, Arabs against Persians, etc. The new Saudi Monarchy, under King Salman, is even more primed for playing the British game of a century of death and chaos.

Between the British, the Saudis, and British puppets like Obama, Nuland, and Netanyahu, we are no longer dealing with mere crooks. We are dealing with clinical insanity. How else can you account for actions that are already leading to wars, of mass genocide proportions?

There are immediate steps, that can and must be taken, to rid the world of this danger of imminent conflict. On March 17, Israeli voters must demonstrate a degree of sanity and sweep Netanyahu and his Likud bloc out of power. The new Israeli government must drop the efforts to wreck the regional stability, by seeking an alliance with Saudi Arabia to bomb Iran—regardless of the outcome of the P5+1 negotiations.

And sane, patriotic circles in the United States must move immediately to remove Obama from office on Constitutional grounds. His insane actions against Russia are but the latest in a long series of crimes against the Constitution and the American people. LaRouchePAC organizers, on Capitol Hill yesterday, directly confronted Victoria Nuland, who was testifying before the House Foreign Affairs Committee on Ukraine, demanding to know if she put out the assassination order against Nemtsov, through her neo-Nazi friends in Ukraine and Chechnya.

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