Traitorous But True – UN Framework Document For US Subjugation, US Military To Be Absorbed Into UN Peacekeepers and Disbanded

‘For most Americans, the fact that the United States has filed with the United Nations a document pledging to submit to UN military authority and to dismantle our own military capability in the process would seem unbelievable. The “progressives” have set us down that path and while it won’t happen overnight, they fully intend for it to happen.

The United Nations is far more than an international money skimming operation disguised as an aid organization. It was established as the foundation for a world government, one in which the United States ultimately assumes a subordinate position as just another of many member nations, to unelected, unaccountable bureaucrats. It will be modeled along the lines of a worldwide EU, only more austere, oppressive and authoritarian.’

Read more: Traitorous But True – UN Framework Document For US Subjugation, US Military To Be Absorbed Into UN Peacekeepers and Disbanded

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