UK Defense ‘Sales Rep’ Philip Hammond Talks-up a War with Russia

What is Philip Hammond, if not an arms industry ‘sales rep’, just waiting to parachute into half a dozen boardroom positions once he’s done in Westminster?

So, according to Hammond, ‘Russia is a threat the British security’? ‘It could happen one day’ he tells us.

“We are now faced with a Russian leader bent not on joining the international rules-based system which keeps the peace between nations, but on subverting it,” Hammond loudly proclaimed during a speech in London (he could have easily been talking about Tony Blair there).

In actuality, the opposite is true. What has Russia done to Britain? Nothing.

Conversely, the facts show that Britain has done more to undermine Russian security and destablize the Ukraine than any other nation outside of the US.’

Read more: UK Defense ‘Sales Rep’ Philip Hammond Talks-up a War with Russia

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