Unemployment claims soar as U.S. industry collapses; MSM touts growth in lowest-paying jobs instead

According to published reports, the U.S. economy grew by nearly 300,000 jobs in February, making the unemployment rate fall to 5.5 percent – the lowest of President Obama’s tenure – so the nation is well on its way to post-Great Recession recovery, right?

Not so fast.

As reported by USA Today March 6:

The BLS revised January’s job gains to 239,000 from 257,000 and left December’s 329,000 estimate unchanged, for a total downward revision of 18,000. Job gains have averaged 288,000 a month the past three months. Nevertheless, February was the fourth-best month for jobs since January 2014.’

Read more: Unemployment claims soar as U.S. industry collapses; MSM touts growth in lowest-paying jobs instead

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