US Imperialism in Haiti. Criminality of the Michel Martelly Regime

‘In 2004, the US brought Mauritania, which actually still enslaves Black Africans to participate in the UN “peacekeeping” forces in the land that abolished European slavery in combat in 1804.

In 2015, to flaunt their terror closer, the US is reportedly deploying Mexico as “peacekeepers” to the mix in Haiti.

Mexico, a US colony where tens of thousands are force to flee the imperial violence there, described as the ongoing drug war, kidnapping/human trafficking epidemic, and violent corruption. There ‘s no need then to explain what UN “peacekeeping” missions around the globe are all about.

Eleven years after the UN mission began in Haiti, it brought dictatorship, a virulent cholera epidemic, tens of thousands of deaths, rapes of women, men and children and more jails than ever before in Haiti’s 200 year old history.’

Read more: US Imperialism in Haiti. Criminality of the Michel Martelly Regime

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