Veneer Peels Off Fukushima Disaster

‘The carefully crafted veneer of recovery from the Fukushima nuclear disaster by the government is peeling in many ways. Protesters who have been camped out in front of the METI agency office since 2011 were told by a court to pay about $240,000 for their protest. The encampment has been a thorn in the side of the agency who was without a way to disperse the group of protesters and no interest in hearing their grievances.

The Tokyo district court claimed the protesters were illegally occupying state owned (aka: public) land. News reports didn’t cite what law they were apparently breaking or if ordering citizens to pay for protesting is a normal legal action in Japan. Either way real estate prices in Tokyo are quite high.

Little mentioned in the Japanese press as UK’s Prince William is touring select parts of Japan, is the protest of nuclear evacuees. Many accuse the tour as a stunt by PM Abe to try to create PR to help his effort to restart nuclear reactors in Japan. The tour appears to be a series of carefully crafted photo ops for the government while ignoring the reality for many in the region.’

Read more: Veneer Peels Off Fukushima Disaster

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