10 USDA scientists harassed for questioning the safety of Roundup

‘According to Reuters, PEER’s Executive Director Jeff Ruch said that at least 10 USDA scientists have been investigated or faced other consequences arising from research that called into question the safety of certain agricultural chemicals.

Ruch goes on to say that his organization had received mounting complaints over the last year from USDA scientists claiming they have been ordered to retract studies, water down findings, remove their names from authorship, and experienced delays in approvals for publication of research papers.

The petition does not identify any specific research or scientists. One senior scientist at the USDA’s Agricultural Research Service, who asked to not be named, told Reuters “Your words are changed, your papers are censored or edited or you are not allowed to submit them at all.” These increasing attacks and censorship on scientists all seem fitting as the world is currently rejecting glyphosate after its new classification to a 2B carcinogen by the World Health Organization.’

Read more: 10 USDA scientists harassed for questioning the safety of Roundup

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