Are You Smart Enough To Join Mensa?

More than 121,000 people worldwide are members of Mensa, an elite society that boasts some of the smartest brains on the planet.

And you too could join this group if you can prove you’re in the top two per cent of the population in a supervised test.

To find out if you’ve got what it takes, MailOnline has helped develop an exclusive Mensa test to see if you might have the level of intelligence needed to mingle smartest.

The Mensa puzzles are designed to stimulate memory, concentration, agility, perception and reasoning, which all contribute to a high IQ.

Intelligence Quotient, or IQ, is a a measure of someone’s intelligence – usually measuring in problem-solving tests – compared to others of their age.

In an IQ test, the average score is taken to be 100, and a score below this means your intelligence is below average.

This mini quiz from Mensa is based on the type of questions you could face if you sat a supervised IQ test.

A top two per cent score on an IQ test will qualify you to join Mensa – or you can provide evidence that you are already in the top two per cent of the population.

The tests are based on measuring someone’s IQ, although this quiz below is merely an indication of your IQ – and should not be used as proof of IQ.

IQ is a measure of intelligence, usually referring to a person’s mental agility, and it should not be confused with knowledge, wisdom or memory.

Standardised IQ exams look to test you in certain areas such as verbal and numerical.

Daily brain training exercises like this can help improve mental agility, and keep the brain working at speed.

A score of eight or above out of ten in the quiz below is an indicator that you could be smart enough to join Mensa.

Take the Quizz

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