Blair Family Impending Corruption Scandal? Tony Blair Faces Pressure Over Role as Middle East Envoy

‘Tony Blair’s position as Middle East envoy is under renewed pressure because of financial links between a telecommunications company and his wife’s foundation.

Exaro can reveal that the Qatari-backed company, Ooredoo, which benefitted from Blair’s lobbying as representative of the Quartet for a mobile-telephone network for the Palestinian market, is a donor to the Cherie Blair Foundation for Women. Ooredoo has also had “partnerships” with Cherie Blair’s foundation in Indonesia and Burma.

The foundation, a registered charity, confirmed that Ooredoo was a donor, but refused to say how much it had paid. In a statement to Exaro, it said: “Ooredoo made a donation to the Cherie Blair Foundation for Women during the 2012-13 financial year.”’

Read more: Blair Family Impending Corruption Scandal? Tony Blair Faces Pressure Over Role as Middle East Envoy

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