Cop Who Admitted to Felony Child Abuse on a 4-Year-Old, Gets Promoted Weeks Later

‘Leadwood Police Officer Jay R. Bellis, 38, is facing a felony child abuse charge. He’s accused of throwing a four-year-old child into a wall and causing him to hit his head on the kitchen cabinets on February 24. A three-year-old informed police about the incident.

The abusive officer admitted to the assault on the very young child stating that he had lost his temper. He’s also admitted to injuring the boy’s ear and causing it to bleed after he misbehaved at his daycare, The Daily Journal reported. It is unclear if the two acts he admitted to were part of a pattern or related to the same incident.’

Read more: Cop Who Admitted to Felony Child Abuse on a 4-Year-Old, Gets Promoted Weeks Later

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