CPS takes (kidnaps?) children for walking alone

Parents who dare to allow their children to play unsupervised outside of their home better watch out for nosy neighbors and big government officials who feel that children should be supervised at all times. One family in Maryland learned this the hard way when they thought their children had gone missing only to discover hours later that they had been picked up by CPS. From MyFoxDC:

Danielle and Sasha Meitiv’s children, ages 6 and 10, were picked up by police on Sunday at around 5 p.m., and taken to Child Protective Services. A neighbor apparently saw the children walking alone and called 911 to report it. FOX 5’s Marina Marraco reports the children were walking about a third of a mile from home at the time.

Danielle Meitiv tells FOX 5 she had told her kids to be home by 6:30 p.m., and when they weren’t, she and her husband became frantic and started driving around looking for them.

The Meitivs say CPS didn’t call them to let them know they had the kids until about 8 p.m. The Meitivs drove to CPS to pick up their kids, but say they were told to “take a seat” and initially weren’t given any information about their children, except that they were there.

Just after 10:30 p.m., the Meitivs were reunited with their kids. They had to sign a temporary safety plan to take them home, which means they are not allowed to leave the children unattended at all.

The Meitivs’ 10-year-old son told reporters they sat in the police car for about two hours before they were told they would be dropped off at home, but instead, they went to CPS in Rockville.

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