Desperation – The Lib Dems say they would do a coalition deal with either Labour or the Tories to stay in government

‘The Liberal Democrats would happily form a coalition with either Labour or the Conservatives after the election if it let them stay in government, a senior Liberal Democrat has said.

David Laws, a Lib Dem minister who led the party’s negotiating team in 2010, said his party’s priority would be to stay in government, because it was “what my constituents would want”.

“It’s not a question of talking about one particular political party … we can’t rule in or out either Labour or the Conservative party. We have to be prepared, if there is a balanced parliament, to talk to either of them,” he told ITV1’s Good Morning Britain programme.’

Read more: Desperation – The Lib Dems say they would do a coalition deal with either Labour or the Tories to stay in government

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